Spotify: How to Change Spotify UserName

f you have been using Spotify for a long time, you may want to know how to change Spotify usernameMost social networks allow this parameter to be modified, but is it possible to do it on this platform?

how to change Spotify username

How to change Spotify username

We regret to inform you that, in principle, it is NOT possible to change your username in SpotifyIn fact, if you go to the help page of this music platform, you will see that there is no way to do it without creating a new account.
The good news is that there is a little trick to get a new name and still keep the content and music lists you've been compiling.

We explain it to you below.

Create a new user

To start, click on this link to create a new user on SpotifyYou may need to do it with another email account. Now yes: in the box What's your name? , enter the name you like best.

Move your old lists to the new account

Start by logging in to the account from which you want to export the listsClick on the three dots that appear next to the name of the list and click on Copy link from the playlistPerform this operation with each of the lists you wish to transfer to your new account.
When you're done, sign out of the old account and open the new one you just created. Next, go to the search engine (located at the top left of the screen) and paste the link from the first list you previously saved. When you press Enter, the desired list will appear. Click on the first track and select all the songs at the same time. Then click on the right of the title of one of the songs and in the drop-down menu that appears select Save to your musicYou can repeat this sequence with all the lists you want.

When you're done, remember to delete your account and the subscriptions you have active on Spotify. As you can see, although it can be tedious, it is possible to change Spotify usernameOf course, being a new account, as is logical, you will lose all your followers and, you will also have to manually follow all the accounts you followed previously.

Alternative option: change your profile picture

If you are lazy to apply the whole process or, simply, you do not want to lose your followers and followed, as an alternative option you can change your profile pictureTo do so, click on your Spotify username (upper right corner of the screen). Hover over your current photo and press ChangeFinally, select the new image you want to use among the files on your computer, remembering that the new photo must weigh a maximum of 4 MB and have a .jpeg format.
these are the ways to change Spotify username if you have anything to add please leave it in comment bellow.
Spotify: How to Change Spotify UserName Spotify: How to Change Spotify UserName Reviewed by Yasser fa on January 08, 2020 Rating: 5
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